How It All Started


Exploring Nature is one of my favorite things to do! It’s a great way to recenter after spending so much time in a fast paced “city” life. Slowing down and appreciating the beauty around us is good for the soul. I hope to pass that gratitude on to you for your enjoyment and inspiration.

Nature IS Art! I really enjoy getting creative and thinking outside of the box. Here I decided to shoot Silhouettes with the Striking Colors of a Winter Sunrise. This view was reflecting off of my camera lens and I captured it with my cell phone.


For as long as I can remember I have loved taking photos. When I was young I had a little Kodak camera with 110 film! I’d save up and drop it off at the photo booth to get developed. Back then, you had NO IDEA how those 24 pictures would turn out until you went to pick up your prints. In High School, I double majored in Graphic Design and Mechanical Drafting. Through Graphic Design I was able to explore a little more in photography, however it was the bare minimum. I did learn how to develop film in a dark room and created projects from start to finish. Sadly, I was unable to pursue Photography on a grander scale. I became a mom at 20 and budgets didn’t allow much room for anything. I always had a camera in hand though.

Fast forward a few years and I was able to get back into pursuing photography a bit deeper. I was finally able to invest in a better camera system (DSLR) and had more time to explore techniques and more. I have taken online classes by some amazing world renowned photographers and I continue to attend in person workshops as well as take online courses. The digital photography world is ever changing.

My love for Nature runs deep and I LOVE to travel! I’ve been fortunate to see and experience some truly incredible sites around the country and some day I’ll get to do the same throughout the world. Sometimes my images are straight forward and other times more abstract. Some simple, some truly dramatic. My ultimate goal is to share with you what I see and feel while out in Nature and perhaps inspire you to look a little deeper into the world around you. Take it in and Live in the Moment.

I’m also a MASSIVE Music Fan! The louder, faster, heavier, the better, though I do listen to other genres and enjoy them. Of course, being a lover of music and photography, I was always at local shows with a camera snapping pictures. For a long time, I used whatever point and shoot system I had. Through the years, I was able to improve my gear and I am now fully pro in my setup having both DSLR and Mirrorless systems available for use as well as various strobe and LED lighting options. My goal is to make concert photography more than just an expensive hobby by getting the opportunities to published on a regular basis. I’m looking forward to all the incredible opportunities that have lined up for me.